Friday, July 27, 2012

Code Repository | Snippet Manager

PHP Scripts - Code Repository | Snippet Manager - CodeCanyon

Code Repository | Snippet Manager his title this type of PHPScripts/ProjectManagementTools This time I will review,made by CodeFusion, PHPScripts/ProjectManagementTools is sold at a price of $18 in CodeCanyon.
Code Repository | Snippet Manager - CodeCanyon Item for Sale
code // development // inline edit // manager // repository // search // snippet //
Created 22 January 12
Last Update 5 June 13
Compatible Browsers IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version PHP 4.x, PHP 5.x, PHP 5.0 - 5.2, PHP 5.3, MySQL 5.x
High Resolution No
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL

Code Repository / Snippet Manager is a place you can save all your snippets of code.

Demo Login

User: admin pass: demo

Attitude that fits you

The system has the ability mix and match different looks and styles to fit you. If i’ve done the math right, there’s something like 90 different combinations of mix-n-matches – some will make you Puke, and others are stellar – like the following ideas. Clean for the tie type of person, Gory for the off centered person, Strong for the firm, Flirty for the ladies and Sporty my favorite!

• Features

Edit on the fly

Double Click the snippet, description, language, group, or tags to edit them on fly.

Auto Generated Menu

The menu is generated automatically by the Language [primary] and then by Group [sub menu]. Here is what my personal code repo menu looks like after the first day of importing my snippets. I’m still not done importing!!

Used Most – Top Most

The system tracks views of each snippet. The more you use it, the higher it will climb on the menu. This keeps you from having to drill down or hunt for your most used functions. Not only that, but it also brings your most used groups and languages to the top as well.

Functions File

In the menu, next to each snippet is a checkbox. Placing checks in the boxes will allow you to see all checked snippets at once. In other words, you can select a hand full of snippets, copy them all at once and drop them into a single file.

No Limits

There is no limit to the number of languages or groups you can save to the system.

Internal Search Engine

Search by Tags, Names, and Snippets. When you search the system, it will first search for a matching tag. If none are found it will search in the Names, again, if none found, it will search the snippets themselves.

Import | Export

The system allows you to export and import snippets from other installations. You can export them one at a time or your entire collection.

Database Backup

You can backup the database at anytime by the press of a button.

Saved Deletes

When you delete a snippet, its not actually deleted, but rather moved to another table where you can restore it later if you need. There is no restore function at this time. You will need to do this via phpMyAdmin or similar.


This download does not contain any snippets pre installed. It’s fresh and clean!To ensure I do not violate anyone’s copyright, I am choosing not to include any snippets with the download. However, purchasers will have access to my code repository where they can pickup snippets for free. My personal repository is still not complete, but I should be available in the next few days.

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